Starting an Online Business PART 4


Next up in the Blueprint we are going to start learning exactly what our customers want.

More importantly though we’re going to do this whilst getting paid.

Let’s get started:

Deep Dive into Customer Needs

Before running off and building a product we need to work out what exactly our customers want.

The best way to do this is to launch a service offer first.


  • This put us face to face with customers and increases the rate at which we learn about them.
  • We get immediate access to their challenges and problem.
  • We can generate revenue whilst doing so, allowing us to bankroll our business moving forward.

The alternative is pushing ahead and building a product that nobody wants, launching in and being confused that noone is buying it. We don’t want that!

Let’s use a prompt to help us work out a service offer.

Act as a markting consultant

My business niche is: [copy paste business idea]

I successfully generate attention using this lead magnet: [lead magnet description]

And my customer avatar is [copy/paste avatar]

Based on these parameters suggest 5 simple service offerings I could offer. 

Focus on service offers that can be sold in 1 hour blocks, provide immense value and allow me to consult and find out my customer's problems and challenges.

I inputted information from the previous parts- specifically the specialized AI Course for Specific Industries business idea, the Myths lead magnet and the middle to senior management level customer avatar.

This lead to the following list of service idea suggestions:

Remember that these are ideas that are tuned to be attractive to the audience and newsletter subscribers you are already talking to.

Which to go with? I don’t know!

But you know who does? Your audience!

Poll you audience and newsletter subscribers – literally ask them which of these are the most attractive to them. Follow their lead rather than assume what they want.

Price your service at $100/hour.

And increase the rate every 10 clients.

What about the backend of taking bookings? Keep it simple – personally I recommend Topmate (affil link). They take a cut of your booking but make the whole booking, scheduling and taking payment process painless.

Doing it manually with emails and invoicing is also doable but honestly using a tool like Topmate makes it a lot simpler. Calendly is also an option but you’ll be paying a monthly fee whether or not you make bookings – Topmate on the other hand will take a % of your revenue instead.

With the service offering your goal is not making money. That’s a nice side benefit!

Your goal is to spend as much time with your customers as possible.

Find out what their burning problems are.

Find out what annoys them, makes their lives miserable.

These are what we’ll be focusing on in the next Part where we build digital product.

I’ll talk more about building out a service offer (and then scaling it as a premium offer) in the Accelerator as it’s a big topic! Waitlist here.

Premium Prompt – Revenue multiplier

Pulling it together

In the next Part we’re going to take all the learnings we acquire from our service offer and formulate them into a digital product that sells on autopilot.

Remember that all this (and more…so much more) will be covered in our series of live accelerators.

Join us on the 6 weeks of live Accelerators starting soon. Waitlist here.

A reminder of what we’ll be covering this week:

Part 1: Discover your profitable business niche

Part 2: Captivate the market with your lead magnet

Part 3: Effortless email list growth

Part 4: Deep dive into customer needs

Part 5: Save the world with your creations

Until then, keep PROMPTING!


Follow me on X (Twitter).

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