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a Kyle Balmer Course

AI Business Starter Pack

“If I had to start over again because AI took my job and destroyed my industry — here’s what I would do...”

Kyle here,

I get asked two questions a lot by my email readers.

Both are the most important questions to be asking right now.

Because we’ve officially entered the age of AI.

But before you read on I assume the following…

You’re a long time reader of my email newsletter and get it

Or you’re a new reader and get it.

You get that you can’t make $10,000/month with some random AI tool.

You get that AI is going to have a significant (understatement) impact on jobs, industry and life as we know it.

You get that whilst no one can predict the future. We can prepare for it.

You get that it’s my mission to leverage my 15-years as an entrepreneur and my obsession with AI to openly and honestly share with you my — AI Entrepreneurship experiments.

To arm you with AI Business skills for the future.

So you can thrive in the age of AI.

But if you don’t get it (yet).

Then don’t read on.

If you do get my mission.

Read on…

Question 1: "Kyle, I can see it, AI will come for my job...what should I do?"

The short answer is — I would do everything in my power to learn how to make my first $ online.

And then do it!

I’m asked this question a lot because it’s exactly what happened to me…

I saw the writing on the wall.

I closed down my business before AI had the chance to close down my business.

I then dedicated all my time to learning everything about AI and business…

and in 9-months I re-invented myself:

  • Built an online audience of 100k
  • Build an email readership of 50k
  • Released 8x Amazon best sellers
  • Trained teams internationally
  • Got featured in Forbes
  • 6-figure business

Let me ask you this…

Imagine you wake up one morning to find your job as you know it is about to wiped out.

What would you do?

What would you fall back on?

The obvious answer is – find another job.

But what if your entire industry is being wiped out?

The answer: become an AI Entrepreneur

The first step in becoming an AI Entrepreneur is learning the steps required to make your first $ online.

Once you’ve made your first $ online — life will never be the same.

Now I’m not going to ask you to quit your job overnight.

I’m not some ‘hustle-kid-business-guru’ straight out of school.

I’ve got a mortgage. I’ve got adult relationships. I’ve got a life outside of making money on the internet.

No doubt you’re in the same situation.

So no quitting your job no matter what the ‘business gurus’ tell you.

But I am asking you to prepare for the AI hurricane — and all the devastation it’s about to cause.

You can do this by embracing AI and entrepreneurship.

I’m not talking about becoming a — humanity saving, rocket building, robot building — entrepreneur.

Let’s leave that to Elon Musk.

I’m talking about acquiring a set of skills that will let you.

First – survive in the age AI

Next – thrive in the age of AI

I call it becoming an AI Entrepreneur

It involves combining both:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • The power of AI

That is exactly what I did.

9-months later I built an AI-proof 6-figure business.

And here’s the mind-bending truth.

I did it using AI — that’s my secret.

And you can do it to.

Thankfully here’s where AI is very very very useful.


AI has unshackled us from the dark Ages of the internet.

Before the release of ChatGPT in November 2022.

It was hard to start a business.

It was daunting.

And rightly so most people avoided it.

For every new business we needed:

Skills. Lots of skills: market research, sales, marketing, copywriting, direct response advertising, web development, SEO… online entrepreneurs needed it all.

People. Expensive people: freelancers, contractors, staff…

Technology. Time zapping technology: custom coding, API connections, IT experts…

Suddenly I didn’t need any of that.

I used AI to replace skills I didn’t have.

I used AI to replace expensive people.

I used AI to replace annoying technology.

I used AI to make my first $ online in my new venture!

All this points to the fact that “AI won’t replace your job, someone using AI will replace your job”.

This leads to the second question readers ask me…

Question 2: "Kyle, where the hell do I start?"

Ok hands up…

This might be partly my fault.

I’ve written a daily AI Entrepreneurship email newsletter for you and 50,000 other readers for 9-months now.

I’ve published 8 x Amazon best selling AI Business Books.

I’ve written 30+ AI Business Playbooks.

The word count rivals the Harry Potter series.

Because I want to explore as many ways AI can help you start or grow your business.

You’re now armed with a whole range of AI tactics.

But that doesn’t help you take the first steps towards making your first $ online.

So what will help you get started?

That’s where my AI Business Starter Pack comes in…

AI Business Starter Pack

This is 6-part course that doesn’t exist anywhere else on the internet.

It’s like ‘the greatest hits’ from my email newsletter.

I’ve pulled the best ideas for starting an online business from 30+ AI Business Playbooks.

And gone to great length to turn it into a step-by-step complete walkthrough to help you start almost any business in todays modern digital world using the power of AI.

Business gurus are just about keeping up with this stuff.

More importantly this course is actionable. You will be building a business or side project as you work through the course.

If you do follow these 6-steps (I call them ‘modules’ as I’m fancy like that)…

and build alongside the course…

…it will take you from $0 to your first $ on the internet.

(I remember that time 15-years ago — it was magical and liberating).

Here’s an overview of the 6-modules inside the course:

Module 0 - AI Accelerator

I’ll show you how to get success by leveraging the most powerful tool since the birth of the internet (even if you’ve never used AI before, can’t code or are don’t consider yourself tech savvy).

✓ Get in on the AI boom early (whilst others debate and dither you’ll take advantage of this moment in history).

✓ Learn how to become an AI power user (and acquire the most overpowered enviable skill).

And more…

Module 1 - AI Business Brainstorm

I’ll show you how to leverage AI to start a business that is low-risk high-reward that you are excited about (whether you have zero idea what you’d start or are multi-talented and flooded with ideas).

✓ My business framework (This perennial system will help you become an ‘infinite entrepreneur’. It’s the same framework I’ve used to stay in the game for 15 years and counting).

✓ Turn ChatGPT into a $1,000 coach or mentor (and get fast feedback so you can start your business quicker than anyone else in your space).

✓ Find your entrepreneurial calling (without sacrificing your income).

And more…

Module 2 - AI Audience Attraction

I’ll show you how to use AI to build an audience and distribution so you have hungry customers for your new business (even if you currently have no audience or have one and want to pivot).

✓ Find your voice and community online (finally figure out what you should post online even if you don’t know where to start or your head is filled with so many great ideas).

✓ AI content creation machine (create more engaging content than others in your space in a lot less time).

✓ The exact growth tactics 100k+ creators used when they got started (the big accounts won’t and can’t teach you these secrets now. But I can).

And more…

Module 3 - AI Total Tribe Builder

I’ll show you how to use AI to build a tribe that trusts you and become your super-fans (even if you don’t have a celebrity bone in your body. Trust me I’m the opposite of whatever a celebrity is.).

✓ Create your first 1,000 true fans (that will consume all your content and buy all your products).

✓ Perfect startup tech stack (I’ll save you $1,000s by telling you the exact tech stack you’ll need at this stage of your business journey).

✓ AI writing system (speed up your highest level content creation by 10x without sacrificing quality).

✓ AI tribe growth engine (use AI to build a magnetic presence that attracts your perfect customer – that will happily buy from you).

And more…

Module 4 - AI Killer Offer Creator

I’ll show you how to use AI to build a high-value money making offer that people seriously want to buy (even if you’ve never sold anything online before and are terrified of sales).

✓ Create once, sell twice (the secrets to a low-risk high-profit business model that could become your first passive income stream).

✓ Create your first big domino product (whilst others spend 3-6 months thinking about their product you’ll create yours in weeks using AI).

✓ Fulfilment tech stack (deliver your product without needing any tech, coding or customer service know how)

✓ 4 ways to easily market your product (building on work from module 1, 2 and 3 you’ll be in a position to make your first sales seamlessly. Most gurus will never teach you this in this exact sequence).

And more…

Module 5 - AI Automation and Scale

I’ll show you how to use AI to first automate your money making business to free up your time. Then I’ll show you how to use AI to scale to serve more customers, make more money and transform your life (most entrepreneurs focus here first and fail! I’ll help you avoid that trap).

✓ Learn the two best ways to scale (make more money without starting a whole new business from scratch)

✓ Unlock quick income wins (whilst you build your AI powered business you can make complimentary income along the way, I’ll show you how).

✓ Bolt-on businesses (I’ll show you ways to build on everything you’ve done to open up new marketing channels, product channels and ultimate make more income as you grow).

And more…

Plus I want to give you x 2 bonuses

The AI Business Starter Pack will make starting your first $1 online simple.

But you’ll still hit blocks (it’s simple, not easy).

So I want to give you two extra tools which will help you smash through these blocks.

And stack the odds of success in your favour.​

#1 : No Excuses Bonus - Free Mobile App​

You’re busy. One of the reason you want to build an AI powered online business is to buy back breathing room. Less hustle, more harmony.

Being busy means it’s not always convenient to have a perfect study environment.

Here’s me on a central london bus writing my daily newsletter.

So I’ve made the – AI Business Breakthrough Academy – learning resources available through both your web browser and a IOS and Android mobile app!


✓ Free easy to use, distraction free app
✓ Learning management (see progress, get badges and more)
✓ Learn and engage directly from the app at any time (even on the bus!)

I pay $1,100 every year to keep this app running for my students.

#2 : Idea Log Bonus - Digital workbook

I’ve sat in 4-5 day educational events. I’d come away with amazing ideas and ways I could transform my life and business. And a workbook full to the brim!

The problem is most online courses don’t provide you with a workbook or you have to print-it-off (who has a printer now days?!)

So I’ve designed a digital workbook that you can use alongside the programme to store your ideas, paste your ChatGPT responses and next big business moves!


✓ Bonus digital workbook
✓ Pre-populated activities and challenges
✓ Private workbook that only you have access to

It’s easily taken 40+ hours to put this together and worth $100+

Ready to start?

How do you get your hands on the AI Business Starter Pack?

This might get a little confusing so hang in there…

I’ve now included the AI Business Starter Pack as part of my AI Futurpreneur Forge (Premium Newsletter Bundle).

“Huh what?”

Ok if you’re not familiar — I have a premium email newsletter that comes with a whole bunch of awesome AI resources for entrepreneurs.

It’s called the AI Futurpreneur Forge.

The AI Futurpreneur Forge and the AI Business Stater Pack work hand in hand.

The Starter Pack will give you the exact first steps you need to take to make your first $1 online and beyond.

The Forge will give you new AI systems to help you go from $1 to $1,000+


If you don’t want to join the Forge, you can also buy the Starter Pack by itself.

Get it now…

Get the AI Business Starter Pack or get it as part of the AI Futurpreneur Forge.

AI Business Starter Pack

Exact steps and AI systems to make your first $ online.


One time payment.

🟣 AI Futurpreneur Forge

Where you can forge your AI business skills — Includes AI Business Starter Pack



Most popular choice!


Who is this great for?

If you love the AI Business systems, processes and tactics I share in my email newsletter…

But want a starting point and a step by step walkthrough of how to get started online.

This is for you.

How long does the AI Business Starter Pack take to complete?

This isn’t a ‘get-rich-quick’ in 30-days or less kinda thing.

In fact we don’t just straight into making money (that’s module 4).

This is about learning a new skill and building something you’ll be proud off.

As cliche as it sounds — it is a journey.

And journeys take time. But it won’t take as long as you think thanks to the capabilities of AI.

Here’s an example of Chris writing and launching a book in 3-days.

That would have taken 3-months without AI.

Do you offer refunds?

We have strict no refund policy.

Why? When you join today you’ll get instant access to everything.

And if you join the Forge today you’ll get instant access to “the home of AI Entrepreneurship”.

For that reason I can’t let you swipe and run — nice try!

So instead please think twice before enrolling into either the Starter Pack or Forge. And if you’re in — let’s get started!

Created by Kyle Balmer

⭐ Co-founded Vietnam’s first private television station.
⭐ MBA from NYU Stern.
⭐ 15+ years as a serial entrepreneur.
⭐ Roles have include: Fractional CMO, director of digital marketing agency, coach, consultant.
⭐ 30,000+ people have enrolled onto his online business (and marketing) trainings.
⭐ Amazon best selling author 8+ books on AI published.
⭐ Writes 1,000+ words daily for the popular ‘Prompt Entrepreneur’ email newsletter. Read by 50,000+ entrepreneurially minded people.
⭐ Created over 30 AI business guides.
⭐ Leads community of 800+ entrepreneurs and business owners interested in AI
⭐ Combined audience size of: 110,000+
⭐ International trainer
⭐ Quoted in Forbes on multiple occasions on subject of AI

I’d like to tell you it’s always been this way.

But it hasn’t…

It’s safe to say online business and running my own ship saved my life.

15 years ago I had a total breakdown. Depression took a hold of me. My marriage collapsed and I couldn’t see a future where I’d exist.

It was a dark time.

Add to that I realised the MBA I had invested so much into was just grooming me for a corporate career.

That’s when I read the famous ‘4-hour work week’ which opened my eyes to the power of Online Business.

I applied what I learned from this book and launched my first online business!

And it worked!

This allowed me to make money globally, from anywhere in the world, with just a laptop.

After travelling and living the laptop lifestyle I moved back to my hometown of London, with a bit more travelling – because why the hell not.

Work has been building companies, buying companies, selling companies, consulting and educating – all in the realm of online business and digital marketing.

And since November 2022 — Total immersion in AI + Online Business.

AI will change everything.

So I’m all in on it.

I know what it feels like to be in a dark place. Find the light. And come out of the other side.

I hope my courses will become the catalyst that transform the trajectory of your life (in the age of AI!). Like the ‘4-hour work week’ did for me all those years ago.

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