The AI Business Breakthrough Academy for First Time Entrepreneurs
For those that want to be more and earn more but are struggling to build their first online business in the age of AI…
Finally start your first online business using AI even if…
💡 You have no business ideas
😩 Your last business attempt failed
🤷♂️ You have no-to-low technical skills
…and you know deep-down you aren’t here just to work a mindless 9-5.
AI Business Breakthrough Academy for First Time Entrepreneurs
My promise to you
I’m not going to promise you’ll make 6-figures, quit your job in 30-days or any other income promise you might see elsewhere.
That’s nonsense and I’m not going to insult you intelligence.
If you read my newsletter you know I’m not about that sort of get-rich-quick BS.
That said, earning your living and freedom via an online business is entirely possible for you.
I started my first online business 15 years ago. And I’ve never worked a “proper” job since.
You know what I mean when I say “proper” job.
It’s not something you want to do. It’s something you have to do.
You clock in, do the work, go home, sleep, repeat.
You fill the in between time distracting yourself with cheap food, cheap entertainment and cheap 30-second TikToks content.
Fast forward 10 years and you’re filled with regret.
Because deep down you know you’ve got more to offer the world. You just need the time, the headspace, the freedom to get that shit done. And as long as you are working that “proper” job it’s impossible.
You might get mad because you know that you are smarter, wiser and more passionate than the people out there already making money online.
Believe me: intelligence isn’t what is making them successful.
Starting your own business let’s you create your ‘dream-job’.
It’s where you wake up and do something that energises you. All of a sudden you don’t need “work-life balance”. Because your work brings you happiness and you actively want it in your life.
But $10k/month, 6-figures, 7-figures, whatever…
…Is not possible unless you start the damn thing.
And this is the promise I can make you.
With the AI Business Breakthrough Academy you will finally start your first business.
You’ve probably tried 10 courses, YouTube videos or Twitter threads teaching you the “secrets” to online wealth. And it didn’t work.
And if you’ve tried, struggled or failed at a business before then I promise the AI Business Breakthrough course will empower you to pick yourself up and go again.
The result of finally starting an online can be escaping the 9-5 and earning a good income through your own efforts.
And if you aren’t that interested in cash (that’s understandable) then you’ll gain the freedom to work on whatever passion project you want to.
Sounds good? Great.
But you’ve probably heard all this before. On shiny sales pages like this one.
So now it’s up to me to prove why it’s different this time. Let’s get into that.
Before I tell you all about the AI Business Breakthrough Academy…
Let’s agree on three things:
Forget everything you know about "making money online".
There’s a lot of junk out there, a lot of charlatans. So much so that I don’t even like using the term “online business” and “making money online” even if they are both descriptively true!
Don’t let your fear of technology hold you back from achieving your potential.
Especially until you give me a chance to show you my simple frameworks that make it AI (and other tools) do the technical heavy lifting for you.
Park your personal circumstances for 5-minutes.
For 5-minutes imagine you have total control over your future. We’re all different and have varying levels of time to commit to building a business – I get that. And as such have designed the Academy with this in mind.
It’ll take you 5-minutes tops to read this page.
Read to the end. If you read my newsletters at least I know you like long written pieces!
Starting your first online business using AI Business Breakthrough Academy
We won’t be starting an online business like everyone else starts their business.
We’ll be using the power of AI.
And thank your lucky stars you’ve arrived here (on this page) today.
Because congratulations you’ve avoided the Dark Ages of the internet.
For me this started 15 years ago with my first online business.
And ended, very precisely, in November 2022.
15 years ago starting an online business was a nightmare.
For every new project I needed:
👨🎓 Skills. Lots of skills: market research, sales, marketing, copywriting, direct response advertising, web development, SEO… online entrepreneurs needed it all.
👥 People. Expensive people: freelancers, contractors, staff…
🐱💻 Technology. Time zapping technology: custom coding, API connections, IT experts…
You won’t need almost all of this anymore to start and become a success.
What changed in November 2022?
ChatGPT’s public release.
Entrepreneurs suddenly had a super power.
And online business hasn’t been the same since.
That’s where my AI Business Breakthrough Academy was formed.
Online Business meets AI
Like I’ve said, I’ve been making money online for 15 years.
Unlike most people selling courses, the majority of my income hasn’t come from selling courses!
You know what they say: in a Goldrush sell shovels. Translated as don’t do the work, sell the tools to other people to do the work.
That’s not my path. Instead I’ve run a digital agency (bstreetdigital) based in London for over a decade, started and partnered in startups with 10+ companies, purchased a company and sold two companies.
I did the doing.
And in 15-years I’ve released very few courses.
In fact my last course was back in 2019.

26,500+ people took my programme.
Everything anyone needed to know about starting an online business was in that course.
Guess what?
It’s now officially out-of-date.
Because of AI, ChatGPT and other ground-breaking tools I’ll reveal to you within my system.
Sorry you 26,000+ people. Times have changed.
And it’s why I’ve worked tirelessly since November 2022 to rebuild from scratch what you about to get access to.
Who the heck is Kyle Balmer?

⭐ Co-founded Vietnam’s first private television station.
⭐ MBA from NYU Stern.
⭐ 15-years as a serial online entrepreneur.
⭐ Never worked a 9-5.
⭐ 26,500+ people have enrolled onto my online business trainings.
⭐ Amazon best selling author 8+ books on AI published.
⭐ Write daily for the popular Prompt Entrepreneur email newsletter.
I’d like to tell you it’s always been this way.
But it hasn’t…
It’s safe to say online business and running my own ship saved my life.
15 years ago I had a total breakdown. Depression took a hold of me. My marriage collapsed and I couldn’t see a future where I’d exist.
It was a dark time.
Add to that I realised the MBA I had invested so much into was just grooming me for a corporate career.
That’s when I read the famous ‘4-hour work week’ which opened my eyes to the power of Online Business.
I applied what I learned from this book and launched my first online business!
And it worked!
This allowed me to make money globally, from anywhere in the world, with just a laptop.
After travelling and living the laptop lifestyle I moved back to my hometown of London, with a bit more travelling – because why the hell not.
Work has been building companies, buying companies, selling companies, consulting and educating – all in the realm of online business and digital marketing.
And since November 2022 — Total immersion in AI + Online Business.
AI will change everything.
So I’m all in on it.
I know what it feels like to be in a dark place. Find the light. And come out of the other side.
I hope my AI Business Breakthrough Academy, Community and Bonuses will transform the trajectory of your life. Like the ‘4-hour work week’ did for me all those years ago.
Why is this time different?
Unlike previous courses you may have taken this time you’re going to follow through.
I’ve built this Academy with this as my prime objective : getting you to act.
I cover 5-actionable AI-powered stages that anyone starting an online business will need to go through to start and succeed.
The order of these stages are not an accident.
First time (and even second time) entrepreneurs tend to focus on the wrong things.
❌ For example creating content like someone who has 100K followers. Wrong.
❌ Or copying what a company who just sold for $10M is doing. Wrong.
The fact of the matter is, they are at a different stage than you. Sorry Alex Hormozi.
You will get there…
But at the start they followed a very specific set of steps.
It’s those steps that you will focus on first…
The exact steps that will get you from 0 to 1.
What are the steps you ask? That’s handy. I was about to tell you!
The AI Business Breakthrough Academy
Module 0 - AI Accelerator
I’ll show you how to get success by leveraging the most powerful tool since the birth of the internet (even if you’ve never used AI before, can’t code or are don’t consider yourself tech savvy).
⭐️ Get in on the AI boom early (whilst others debate and dither you’ll take advantage of this moment in history).
⭐️ Learn how to become an AI power user (and acquire the most overpowered enviable skill).
And more…
Module 1 - AI Business Brainstorm
I’ll show you how to leverage AI to start a business that is low-risk high-reward that you are excited about (whether you have zero idea what you’d start or are multi-talented and flooded with ideas).
⭐️ My business framework (This perennial system will help you become an ‘infinite entrepreneur’. It’s the same framework I’ve used to stay in the game for 15 years and counting).
⭐️ Turn ChatGPT into a $1,000 coach or mentor (and get fast feedback so you can start your business quicker than anyone else in your space).
⭐️ Find your entrepreneurial calling (without sacrificing your income).
And more…
Module 2 - AI Audience Attraction
I’ll show you how to use AI to build an audience and distribution so you have hungry customers for your new business (even if you currently have no audience or have one and want to pivot).
⭐️ Find your voice and community online (finally figure out what you should post online even if you don’t know where to start or your head is filled with so many great ideas).
⭐️ AI content creation machine (create more engaging content than others in your space in a lot less time).
⭐️ The exact growth tactics 100k+ creators used when they got started (the big accounts won’t and can’t teach you these secrets now. I can).
And more…
Module 3 - AI Total Tribe Builder
I’ll show you how to use AI to build a tribe that trusts you and become your super-fans (even if you don’t have a celebrity bone in your body. Trust me I’m the opposite of whatever a celebrity is.).
⭐️ Create your first 1,000 true fans (that will consume all your content and buy all your products).
⭐️ Perfect startup tech stack (I’ll save you $1,000s by telling you the exact tech stack you’ll need at this stage of your business journey).
⭐️ AI writing system (speed up your highest level content creation by 10x without sacrificing quality).
⭐️ AI tribe growth engine (use AI to build a magnetic presence that attracts your perfect customer – that will happily buy from you).
And more…
Module 4 - AI Killer Offer Creator
I’ll show you how to use AI to build a high-value money making offer that people seriously want to buy (even if you’ve never sold anything online before and are terrified of sales).
⭐️ Create once, sell twice (the secrets to a low-risk high-profit business model that could become your first passive income stream).
⭐️ Create your first big domino product (whilst others spend 3-6 months thinking about their product you’ll create yours in weeks using AI).
⭐️ Fulfilment tech stack (deliver your product without needing any tech, coding or customer service know how)
⭐️ 4 ways to easily market your product (building on work from module 1, 2 and 3 you’ll be in a position to make your first sales seamlessly. Most gurus will never teach you this in this exact sequence).
And more…
Module 5 - AI Automation and Scale
I’ll show you how to use AI to first automate your money making business to free up your time. Then I’ll show you how to use AI to scale to serve more customers, make more money and transform your life (most entrepreneurs focus here first and fail! I’ll help you avoid that trap).
⭐️ Learn the two best ways to scale (make more money without starting a whole new business from scratch)
⭐️ Unlock quick income wins (whilst you build your AI powered business you can make complimentary income along the way, I’ll show you how).
⭐️ Bolt-on businesses (I’ll show you ways to build on everything you’ve done to open up new marketing channels, product channels and ultimate make more income as you grow).
And more…
My step-by-step AI Business Breakthrough Academy will finally help you create that business you’ve always wanted — faster than ever before!
Wait but how long does this take…
You’ve just learned what’s in the AI Business Breakthrough Academy.
And you’ll notice one thing…
This isn’t a ‘get-rich-quick’ in 30-days or less kinda thing.
You may have also noticed another thing…
This isn’t all about money.
We don’t jump straight into selling. That’s Module 4 of 5!
This is about starting something you’ll be proud of.
And starting something is a journey.
Journeys take time.
And a commitment to see it through.
Thankfully it won’t take you as long as it used to take me.
Let me explain…
Before November 2022 it would personally take me 3-6 months to work through this process to launch a new business.
It would take my consulting clients even longer because they had to learn the process at the same time as implementing it – kudos to them!
But NOW…
Everything’s changed.

This is the awesome Chris who followed along with one of my AI Playbooks and launched his project in 3-days!
This is something that normally takes a full-time entrepreneur 30 days or more!
Let that sink in for a moment!
Imagine finally doing what you want but 10x faster.
Now this is an extreme example.
But I wanted to show you what’s now possible with the power of AI.
AI + my Business Breakthrough Academy lets you:
⚡ Start a business quicker (even if you’ve only got a few hours free a week).
💰 Start a business cheaper (you don’t need to buy a franchise or drop thousands of pounds. Zero to a couple hundred dollars is all it takes today).
💆♂️ Start a business low-risk (you don’t have to bet your house, your job or your relationship on your first business working out).
You might not end up on Forbes magazine. Or start a multi-billion dollar tech unicorn.
But you might just end up living your dream life.
I know which one I’d rather have.
So I’m going to make it even easier to achieve…
How else do I guarantee you’ll start your business with the AI Business Breakthrough Academy?
Hint: Lots of breakthrough bonuses!
Bonus: AI Business Community

I personally buy and commit to programmes like the one you’re investing in today.
So I know what works and what doesn’t.
Me and my team have collectively spend $50,000+ on programmes, coaching and masterminds.
And there’s one thing that made sure we got the results we paid for…
That’s why I am inviting you to my AI Business Community as a bonus!
Because let’s face it…
Your friends, parents and family just don’t understand this stuff.
They’ll tell you, with all the best intentions in the world, to stick to your “proper job”.
Also, the old school online business “gurus” don’t understand this stuff either!
Because AI is new. Really new.
I’ve spend everyday since November 2022 experimenting with it and writing about it.
Most days I write 2,000+ words of actionable guides on this stuff. I’m a modest person but can’t think of anyone else who is putting out this much content about AI and entrepreneurship.
My point is, most people won’t understand what you will be doing so you’ll need others to bounce off!
The AI Business Community is that place:
✅ Private Academy members area
✅ AMA opportunity
✅ And more as the academy grows
⚠️ I will be limiting access to the Community. My hope is to create a supportive tight-knit community, not a free for all.
Bonus: AI Business Accelerators

What if I tried my best and gave you no excuse but to succeed?
What if I invited you onto a call and walked you through each stage of starting your business?
And showed you how to do this using AI?
That’s the goal of the AI Business Accelerators.
A live intensive where I’ll guide you through key steps of my main programme.
I expect to charge for these in the future.
These are live accelerator sessions but recordings will be made available in the Community.
But I’ve included them for you as a free bonus!
⚠️ These are live accelerator sessions but recordings will be made available in the Community.
Bonus: AI Business Breakthrough Academy Mobile App

You’re busy. One of the reason you want to build an AI powered online business is to buy back breathing room. Less hustle, more harmony.
Being busy means it’s not always convenient to have a perfect study environment.
Here’s me on a central london bus experimenting with Prompts.

So I’ve made the – AI Business Breakthrough Academy and Community – learning resources available through both your web browser and a IOS and Android mobile app!
✅ Free easy to use, distraction free app
✅ Learning management (see progress, get badges and more)
✅ Learn and engage directly from the app at any time (even on the bus!)
Stay connected to like-minded people easier than ever!
Bonus: Digital Workbook

I’ve sat in 4-5 day educational events. I’d come away with amazing ideas and ways I could transform my life and business. And a workbook full to the brim!
The problem is most online courses don’t provide you with a workbook or you have to print-it-off (who has a printer now days?!)
So I’ve designed a digital workbook that you can use alongside the programme to store your ideas, ChatGPT outputs and next big business moves!
✅ Bonus digital workbook
✅ Pre-populated activities and challenges
✅ Private workbook that only you have access to
Bonus: Premium Prompt Entrepreneur Newsletter

Those that know me know I’m a bit mad…
I write about ‘How to use AI as an entrepreneur’ every single day.
About 1,500-2,500 words every single day.
Yes I’m obsessed with this subject so you don’t have to be.
In that email I share Premium Prompts for paying supporters of the newsletter.
That means everyday a premium reader is getting an advantage over everyone else using AI.
I want you to have that advantage too.
So you get Premium Prompt Entrepreneur automatically when you join the AI Business Breakthrough Academy.
✅ Daily premium prompt(s)
✅ Automatically view in your inbox (no action required on your part!)
⚠️ Over time I will be making more of the daily newsletter premium. I will honour your access when you commit today – you’ll get lock in.
Bonus: Prompt Engineering Crash-Course

Module 0 will give you everything you need to get started as a Prompt Entrepreneur and start your first business.
I know that if you’re anything like me you’ll want to learn the fancy stuff too.
The stuff that let’s you wave AI like a magic wand!
If that’s you then you’re in luck.
I’m also including as a bonus Prompt Engineering Crash-Course.
✅ Beginner – get started with AI.
✅ Intermediate – become a proficient AI user
✅ Advance – become a pro AI user
✅ Application – use AI to solve problems
✅ Mastery – become a top 1% AI user
Bonus: Ask Kyle Anything!

I live online business and AI. I even write about it everyday. 7 days a week.
And I’ve got your back.
At every step of every module you have the ability to ask me any question directly in that lesson.
And get an expect response from me!
And as the community expands with other Pro Prompt Entrepreneurs.
✅ AMA or (AKA – maybe that’ll stick)
✅ Get expert replies from someone who uses AI all day everyday
How it works and a snapshot of everything you get today
I want you to know that I’ve got your back.
I’ve failed so many times and learned the hard way what works.
And for most of those times I was alone!
That doesn’t have to be your story.
Which is why I’ve packaged up my AI Business Breakthrough Academy and Bonuses to ensure:
⭐️ You get the very best AI entrepreneurial knowledge (not a list of tools or what company is investing in what AI. Instead, practical ways to use AI for your online success).
⭐️ You get the best support (Both starting an online business and using AI will be new for you. That’s cool. It will be new for others too. We’ll have each others backs as we figure out this new frontier).
⭐️ You get it done! (Most important to me is that you take action. You do the doing. Expect prompts from me and my team to keep you on track).
So here’s everything you get today:
AI Business Breakthrough Academy: The only AI powered online business course you’ll ever need.
Bonus: AI Business Community: Be around people who understand what you’re doing and access to experts
Bonus: AI Business Accelerators: Live momentum building cohort sprints
Bonus: AI Business Breakthrough Academy Mobile App: Learn and engage on the go
Bonus: Digital Workbook: No printing, just up-skilling
Bonus: Premium Prompt Entrepreneur Newsletter: Daily premium prompts
Bonus: Prompt Engineering Crash Course: Become top 1% AI user
Bonus: Ask Kyle Anything!
AI Business Breakthrough Academy + AI Business Academy + All Bonuses are worth ~$1,099 but…
What you don’t have to pay for…
“I wish I had started a business when the internet was formed”
“I wish had built mobile apps when mobile phones became a thing”
“I wish I had…”
I’ve spoken to so many wannabe entrepreneurs over the years and theres one thing that stands ours above all else…
Regret always cost so much more than taking action.
That’s the price you will pay for inaction.
I thankfully was involved in the internet boom and still benefit from it.
If you are waiting for the “next big thing”.
It’s already here.
It’s AI.
And it’s those same people who in 2, 5, 10 years time will say…
“I wish I had started a business when AI and ChatGPT launched”.
The good news is you are here and you are still early.
But like all new and early things we’re all figuring it out.
That’s what I spend all my time now doing. Every. Damn. Day.
Figuring out how you can use AI for Online Business Success. So you don’t have to waste time experimenting. You can execute and avoid regret.
Everyone regrets spending $100s on a night out.
Everyone regrets spending $1,000s for that designer outfit.
Everyone regrets getting into $10,000s of debt for that new car.
No one ever regrets investing in themselves.
And me and my team collectively have invested $50,000s+ in our own transformations.
The AI Business Breakthrough will be an investment in yourself.
Before I tell you how much you’ll pay to join…
…let me tell you about our guarantee.
Startup Success Guarantee
I will refund you every single penny you spend on your membership if you don’t start your first online business business powered by AI in year 1.
I am confident of this because the AI Business Breakthrough and Academy includes step-by-step playbooks to starting a business using the power of AI.
You won’t need to worry about investing lots of capital, taking large risk or anything like that.
So what’s the catch?
How do you qualify for our Startup Success Guarantee?
If you follow what I’ll reveal to you step by step. Participate in the academy. And ask questions when you need help…
Then I guarantee you’ll start your first online business using the power of AI.
I am that confident what I teach works.
But there are things that will disqualify you. (Find full details in the FAQ).
This is a two way street buddy!
These include not completing the course, not participating, not asking questions and genuinely not attempting to start your business. If that happens you’ll disqualify from our guarantee.
You’re mainly cheating yourself if this is the case.
And if working hard (but smart) to make money online turns you off then don’t join. I don’t even know how you got this far to be honest.
But if you understand that work is required and you do all these things (plus what’s covered in the FAQ)…
And don’t manage to start your first online business using the power of AI…
I’ll refund you every single penny you spend on your membership in year 1.
Remember this is not a get rich quick scheme. It takes commitment to start which is why I’ve given you a generous 1-year window to dedicate to starting your business and redeem my guarantee to you.
Because I know how empowering it can be to make your own money online.
To have money drop into your back account that you earned independently through entrepreneurship.
So I’ve included this unique guarantee to make your purchase decision today easy.
So now it’s time for me to officially ask.
Are you ready?
Ready to start your first AI Powered Online Business?
Limited Time Launch Deal
- AI Business Breakthrough Academy (worth $1,000+)
- AI Business Community (bonus worth $300+)
- AI Business Accelerators Free Invitation (bonus worth $50)
- AI Business Breakthrough Academy Mobile App (bonus)
- Digital Workbook (bonus worth $100)
- Premium Prompt Entrepreneur Email Newsletter (bonus worth $120)
- Prompt Engineering Crash-Course (bonus worth $29)
- Ask Kyle Anything! (bonus worth $500+)
- Startup Success Guarantee (valid for 1-year)
The launch deal gives you:
✅ One year access (worth $788)
✅ No subscription
✅ No automatic billing
✅ You decide after year one if you want to stay a member
After the launch deal expires we’ll increase the price and introduce a subscription access.
Launch deal expires in:
The doors to the AI Business Breakthrough Academy are now closed. Stay subscribed to the Prompt Entrepreneur newsletter to be the first to hear when the doors open...
Do you offer refunds?
We do not. But feel free to message if your situation is unique.
When you join you get access to Online Business and AI knowledge and community that doesn’t exist anywhere else.
As such we don’t allow joining, swiping the information and refunding. Nice try buster!
But we do offer our ‘Startup Success Guarantee’.
Where is the academy (community) hosted?
You will get an invitation to access your course and community through our private members area. We use a simple community platform that you can easily bookmark. Plus it comes with a free Android and iOS app so learning and engaging on the go becomes easier.
How do I cancel?
Email us at any time and we’ll process your cancellation. Note that it will cancel at the end of your current billing cycle. You’ll have access to the Academy until the end of the billing period.
How do I make the most of my access?
Participate in the academy. Complete your course. Reach out when you hit a block. If you do it you’ll get results. If you don’t you won’t. But this isn’t all on you. When you join we want to see you succeed so we’ll create an environment for that to happen.
Will the price of my subscription increase?
Normal terms: You will lock in your price as long as you are a AI Business Breakthrough Academy member. If you cancel and rejoin you will pay the new increased rate. We will very likely increase the rate as the academy grows. Special launch terms: You will lock in the price today and there is no subscription or recurring payment. It is your choice if you want to remain in the academy/community after year one.
Full ‘Startup Success Guarantee’ explained
I am so confident that what I teach works that I will refund you every single penny you spend on your membership if you don’t start your first business in year one.
To qualify you must complete your course, participate weekly in the community, ask questions when you need help, demonstrate a genuine desire to take action and join at least one AI Business Accelerator live session.
You will disqualify if you do not do any of the above.
Cancelling your access within a year is completely fine. But it will disqualify you from redeeming this guarantee.
If you commit and dedicate yourself for a year and still don’t manage to start an online business powered by AI then I will refund you every single penny you spent on membership within that year.