In this section I’ll overview how I add 500-1000 newsletter subs per week for free.
Whilst also:
- building a social following
- consistently going “viral”
- generating revenue
This is one of the most successful marketing pillars I use for my newsletter. This Part will give you the skinny.
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Let’s get started:
Once you have your basic newsletter up and running and a solid base of organic activity I recommend you overlay DM Giveaways.
DM Giveaways are the “free” strategy I use to add around 500-1000 newsletter subscribers per week.
It’s my primary pillar, alongside Advertising which I’ll cover in the next Part.
I’ve written a lot more extensively about this marketing tactic in these previous issues.
Today I want to give a quick run-down of how this should be an essential pillar in your newsletter growth. Check those full guides for deployment details.
How’s it work?
From a subscribers POV here’s the process.
First they see a post like this:
They respond to it. In this case with the word “weekend”.
They get sent a DM like this:

That DM in turns sends them to a Gumroad page like this:

By claiming their free ($0) download they are added to the newsletter. Nice!
Why does this work?
This works because DM Giveaways have natural virality on platforms like X, Instagram and Facebook.
We’re giving something away for free but need them to comment to get the message.
Because of this commenting the post is seen as popular. And it’s shown to more people.
My giveaways normally hit 20-30,000 views or if they really kick off 50-100k views.
From that a % will follow, like the post and comment.
That gains me followers (on X) and spreads the post even more.
The people who do this are sent a DM with a link to claim their freebie.
A % will click that link and claim the freebie. In doing so they also get signed up for my newsletter (with consent as this is specified on the download page).
And finally they are offered a paid “upgrade” version. A % of people will also take this offer – normally a trickle of cash at $50-100 per day.
So we get newsletter subscribers, X followers and revenue. Solid work!
What do I need to deploy this?
The first thing you need is something valuable to give away.
I personally have 25+ “lead magnets” – items of value that people want to access.
You need to come up with your own lead magnets. It’ll depend entirely on what your niche is and what your audience finds valuable.
Second you need a DM Giveaway system. I personally use Hypefury. This will automate the DM giveaway so you aren’t sending messages manually!
Third you need somewhere to host and giveaway your lead magnet. I use Gumroad. It’s free and does the job.
Fourth you need to connect your Gumroad account to your newsletter software. I use Zapier for this personally.
Next steps
Go and grab the full guide here: DM Giveaway guide.
And if you are struggling to work out what your lead magnet should be – come ask in the free community here: free community space.